How to determine the fair value of a machine?
Market prices of most non-financial assets are usually not available, because these assets might be outdated or highly customized or simply not traded on the market. How do you set the fair value of these assets in this case? Learn here!
Can you capitalize rental expenses of land?
Can you capitalize rental expenses of land under IFRS? And what about the rental of the temporary offices? Find out here!
Should we create a provision for major overhauling?
How to deal with anticipated major repairs, maintenance, overhauling, regular replacement of small parts and similar items under IFRS? Find out here!
How to account for barter transactions?
How to account for exchanges of inventories or long-term assets under IFRS? Or other barter transactions? Learn here!
Accounting for transfer of owner-occupied property under revaluation model to investment property
What to do with revaluation surplus when transferring your PPE to investment property? How to account for it at the date of transfer and subsequently? Learn here!
Is a hotel an investment property under IAS 40?
How to classify any property (not just a hotel) if you use it for more purposes? And, what to do if you provide some additional services on top of rental? Find out here!
How to capitalize exchange differences on loan as borrowing costs?
Can you capitalize exchange differences on foreign currency loans as borrowing costs? If yes, then how? Please find out here!
How to match a government grant with costs for which the grant compensates?
How should you match the government grant with expenses for which it compensates? Sometimes, it’s not very straightforward and we need to apply our judgement and experience. Learn how to account for the grant revenue here!
Accounting for CAPEX threshold and its change under IFRS
What happens when you buy lots of assets below your capex threshold, but still high expense? And, should you revise your capex threshold retrospectively? Learn here!
Can you capitalize assets placed in customer’s premises?
How to account for assets which you gave for free to your clients for promotion purposes? Branded refridgerators, stands, displays, lights, signs – can you capitalize them? Find out here!
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